Visitor Badge Solutions
Tempbadge Visitor ID products by Temtec are a very secure way to manage visitor ID badges. There is an expiring visitor badge for just about any visitor situation for work, school, or any other application where an expiring visitor badge is needed.
Expiring Tempbadge ID 's let security know at a glance who is and isn't allowed. There's no need to worry about stolen badges since the expiring badges physically change color over time rather than "expire" because the written date is incorrect.
TEMPbadge Visitor Management System
This school visitor management solution is higher-tech and

allows you to see that a guest’s time is up with a simple glance. Eliminates the hassle of collecting and keeping track of badges when visitors leave. Readily identify unauthorized people after the badge expires.

Custom Plastic Visitor Badges
Our custom plastic visitor ID badges are perfect for small, quick meetings all the way to large events. These visitor badges don't end at temporary events though, they are excellent for security purposes at any facility.
We Are Here to Help
If you have any questions about plastic visitor badges or expiring visitor badges contact us today.